10 June 2008

Hi all.

Just after the last update and walked just outside newquay to a quiet family camp site in front of a beautiful beach. had dinner and went to the pub as every night ( I am starting to wonder if i am an athlete or an alcoholic...???).

There was live music. The performer, an Irish man called Alan was a f***ing (puto) genious. Good singer and better joker.

Onothe same night I met Will and Suzzanne. She was pregnat and due in september, just when I'll be finishing my walk.

That was the best night of the trip so far.

The next morning, another gorgeous day, I had the hardest day so far. I walked al the way to Bodmin, and it was a little bit too much, specially consideing that i am a little bit too early to get to Glastonbury on time.

Anyway, I went all the way to Bodmin, and stayed in a camping. I did not find the town particularly enchanting, or maybe the saturday night atmosphere did not fit my walking shorts and boots. Wrote my diary and went to bed in not the best mood.

Next day was very different. Another amazing sunny day, I walked into the Bodmin moor. The access to this natural place are very nice, with Streams and woods. Very nice.

And then I loved to walk in the moor. No paths, just open land where you can walk any where you like. Awsome!! I had a little problem in a bog (no photos of this one neither) and I arrived to Jamaica Inn stinking shit (or wahtever was in that swamp) a little bit.

The plan was finding a place to stay in Boventor, where the jamaica inn is, but not in the inn itself as it is a bit expensive. i did not find a place, so I stayed in the inn. Just for once...

The pear Rattler cider is even better than the normal one. Delicious!!

Yesterday i continued to walk in the moor: more beautiful streams, and opend land, plus fields with patched woods ( a landscape that i love). The walk was not too long this time but I had a little problem with a blister in a toe, so it was not too pleasent. I stayed in a camping again... well, camping: a field by Silvia's house, plus a house and a toilet. Has my first ever hose shower and that was good fun. Then dinner and, of course, pub. The Eliot Arms in Trigadillet.

Trigadillet is just outside Launceston

Today, and after planning the next couple of days on the maps, I decided to stay in Launceston. My toe need a rest and as i said i am very much in time for Glastonbury. And, I will have time for a proper warm up for the Spain game against Russia. VIva Espania!!!!!!!!!!

In the next days, dartmoor and then all the way straight to Glastonbury, where party awaits.

That is all for the moment. I am just ready to enjoy my rest day.

See you



Unknown said...

Holaaa!! Cuídate esas ampollas, que andarán fastidiando por el camino. Me encantan las fotos. Besetes!!

PD: Lalaalalalalaallalaaaa, que viiivaaa Españaaaa!!! Villaa maravillaaa!!

MAMÁ said...

Carlos, cuida mucho los pies, que son muy importantes.

Me gustaría estar ahí caminando contigo unos días.

Te quiere mucho, mami.

P.D. (Olaya): Este año ganamos la Eurocopa..... y El Güaje pichichi!!!!!! Oeeee, oeeee, oeeee.... illa, illa, illa, Villa, Maravilla!!!!!

P.D. 2 (Olaya): Intenta escribir el inglés un poco más perfecto, no tan coloquial, que si no el traductor de gugel se hace un lío, y no entiende na de na.... y los españoles menos tovía!!!!

Ánimo.... y recuerda que cuando España esté jugando el próximo partido, el Sporting también estará luchando por el ascenso!!!!!

lauravalle said...

Hola!!! qué tal esos pieses?? espero que mejor, cuídalos porque sino vamos arreglaos...
Oye tienes que aclarar lo que pasó en el pantano eh?? caiste??imagino eso por lo de q fuiste oliendo a mierdona jeje pero a lo mejor date poderes como Obelix cuando cayó en la marmita!!míralo por el lao buenu.
¿Qué te pareció lo de España?a ver si siguen así.

Muchos ánimos hasta la próxima!!


PD:Dígote lo mismo que Olaya: el traductor no val pa na porque uses expresiones rares y encima cómeste letres y entonces...ya sabes, pero no me extraña, porque lo q menos te apetez seguro ye escribir mientras estás pensando en el pub jeje.

Carlos said...

Espania se sale..... vamos a ganar.... Holanda, Francia o Itali en cuartos. Miedin me da.
Vale, a ver si escribo en ingles de Shakespeare.
