14 June 2008

Me in the Bodmin Moor, a few days ago

Hi all.

I am in Exeter. The weather is still being fantastic.

From Launceston I walked to the tiny village of Lydford. The wlk was nothing special excepting the last bit where there was a nice confers wood. The contrast in the border between the usual countryside and the high moorlan is big, just where the village is.

I really enjoyed my time in the village pub; pub quiz. I had just left Cornwall, I was just in Devon, and the gyu would not stop making jokes about Cronish people; amazing!

A cricket ball. My walking mate.

In the morning and set off early to cross the Dartmoor. First up the hill with no
vegetation and threatening clouds. When the path diasspear, i felt a bit lost to be honest. So all I did was take a bearing East, and walk. I should say at this point, that most of the moor is a military range area and that the red flags were up which meant they were shootting. But, according to the lady in the camping at Lydford, they use blanks.

So i walked thorough. It was hard, dificult. there were no paths, and there was plnty of water and bogs and really high grass really to walk on. Machine gun and rifle shooting in the distance.

Anyway, after 3 hours of hard walk, i was done. I left the moor passing by one of the red flags where there was a little hut where a farmer hired by the Defence mynister told me that they were actually using live fire...
Dartmoor threatening sky

Walking out of the moorland, though a path and then a narrow country lane to Chagford, was a pleasure: easy walking.

That night I stayed in Chagford. Beautiful village. I asked in the post office about where to stay in the nice lady sent to Roger and Eileen place; they are a lovely couple. The B+B is great, cheap, and the breakfast very good too.
Eileen and Roger

Leaving Chagford was a shame. Yesterday I walked from Chagford to the youth hostel outside Dunsford. The wakl by the river was a pleasure for the senses. Nice stream, and easy walking in a beautiful day. Reccomendable.

Awsome riverside walk between Chagford and Dunsford

Dunsford is a tiny village with just a pub, and a post office. I updated my diary as usual and had a couple: one ale, and a pint of pear swedish cider, wuite good by the way.

Resting time in the pub...

After a few minutes the pub was full with locals, and there was something that called my attention very much was a group of footballers in their 20s or 30s that came to the pub for a meal and a drink; half of them were women.

Today i left the hostel early. It is not noon yet and i am updating my blog in the library in Exeter. I jus met couple whose son has a girlfriend from Gijon. We should meet in there in late september.

Now, hostel, shower and lunch with Phill and wife. And ten hopefully another hat trick from Villa!!!

See you soon.


Feet made for walking...


Lucía said...


Bueno lo primero de todo decirte que las fotos que cuelgas son una pasada!! Ya veo que si sigues a este ritmo vas a llegar a Glastonbury antes que los propios operarios que montaran los escenarios!!! Yes una máquina!!
Por aquí que sepas que nos das mucha envidia, sobre todo a mí que ya ando un poco liada con la opo ( y que sepas que ya he sacado el B de catalán, así que ya te tomarás una pinta por tal acontecimiento!!)
Desde aquí te "vemos" genial en tu aventura, qué bien!! (Juan pregunta si los gastos los has de pagar tú o te lo subvencionan los del charity jejeje) Sea como fuere adelante por esas campiñas inglesas ( si acaso evita los campos estos militares,por lo que pueda pasar...) y en fin aupa España!!

Unknown said...

Hi Carlos

They normally use live fire on Dartmoor. Glad you got through it ok, but I wouldn't do that again if I were you !

Cheers Jez