23 June 2008

Esta va por Luis Enrique

Hi all.

I am in Glastonbury, waiting for Paco and the Festival. After this update you'll probably not hear of me for a week or so. I'll update the blog again whenever I recover conciousness and main brain functions after the festival...

Last time I updated this space I was a bit short of time so there it goes a few more pictures and stories.

Before arriving to Taunton We had a wild encounter with an over excited horse. Lyndon grabbed a melon size rock, just in case.

Overexcited horse
Just after Lyndon left I manage to get some tickets for the cricket to see a twenty20 game. It rained, so all I had was 2 hours wait until the Vampires decided there would be no game. Great!
Somerset Cricket ground. It really looked like a horror film sky. Is that why they call them vampires.....?????

After that I went back (went back, funny) to the pub for more local juices and updating my blog. Not great atmosphere I should say. Lots of drunks. I left quickly.

On the next day the plan was walking all the way to Glastonbury. Looking at the map it looked like a challenging walk.

In the beginning I walked by the Taunton canal (not ugly but not too exiting scenery) towards west. After a while I took the path by the river tone, entering into the Somerset levels, that as far I undestand are flat farming states at just sea level. not very exiciting landscape again, but lots of birds to watch, and cows and bulls too. The path by the river soon became a sea of knettles, so I put my long trousers on and kept my arms lifted. The green sea became too thick to walk though so I decided to walk in the hills that run parallel, on country lanes.

A half decent shot, think. Maybe a bit dark.

Past the next ridge of hills descended to a the next valley, or level. It was much more attractive, an it was much more like the Somerset image I had in my head, less flat and a bit more hilly. By this time I was deciding that as I was not in a hurry I would had something to eat, and a local juice, and see the football game in the next pub with a screen. That decision converted the walk in a race, and it did not finish until i got to Street High Street (main road in a plac called Street, that is a couple of miles south Glasto).

It was 9 hours walk and my shoulders and feet were nackered. had my "juices" and hamburger, that tasted like heaven, and left the place, quickly as well, because the advertising flag can call attention of not very nice drunks as well as people willing to donate. They thought the flag was a toy, and I had to make clear it was not.

Left the pub and it began raining furiously. Not good when you are planning to wild camp. Waited for half an hour and luckily it sopped, found a nice field and slept.

This is what happens every morning when I put my rucksack on. Add "transforming-Hulk" to it!

On the next day I bought a couple of wellies for the festival and walked for an hour to the camping in Glasto. From then, and after the shower and a giant breakfast consisting in a pint of milk, another one of orange juice (real juice this time ;-) ), packet of chocolate biscuits, browney, two apples, and orange, and some bread and cheeses, I concentrated in phsychologically preparing for the game later in the night. How would face such a national challenge.

First sight of promissed land. Glastonbury Tor.

Eventually, and I mean eventually, everything went well, and after almost eating my jacket, we went through in the penalties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The mentallity and soul of a nation changed for ever. A massive phsycollogical barrier destroyed: we also can be lucky when playing international football quarter finals against Italy. HA HA!!!

Went to bed with a huge smile and dreamt with Iker Casillas.

Today I am just taking it easy (life is beautiful and the sun is shining), I'll read the newspaper, starting from the back pages, of course, and will find out my way to the festival that apparently is not too close to the town.

I think i will go up to the Tor as well.

That is all from Gran Bretania. I hope you are well and remember that you can donate for East Anglia Children's Hospice at www.justgiving.com/carlosfl. Thank you.

Bye for now



Chus said...

Enorme CARLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Que cabrón!!!! Tío siento haberte tenido tan olvidado pero con lo del Máster no he tenido tiempo. Hoy me he puesto al día y me he leído el blogg entero. Sigue dándole, y no te olvides de sacar fotos en Escocia, si te das prisa, igual llegas para el festival de Edimburgo (IMPRESIONANTE). Bueno niño, cuidate.

P.D. Muy bonita la foto del caballo

wonk said...

hey crack!

it sounds like you had the proper cricket experience, hahaha. Carlitos I join you tomorrow for the festival, cant wait!


Inma said...

Españaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!Eoeeeee creo que nos estas dando suerte corazón seguro que tanto andar y lo bien que te lo estas pasando les esta llegando, el domingo ganamos a los alemanes!!!(espero...)

Me encanta el blog eso si macho menudo master en inglish me estas haciendo hacer ya te vale.

Las fotos geniales!!!

Sigue asi y cuidate mucho, esta claro que no vas a querer parar...a que ya sabes por donde vas a andar el año que viene?

Besazos gigantes y axuxones!!!


Carlos said...

Hello queridos.

Como molan vuestros comments. Seguir asi!!
